October 21, 2022

My Health Podcast is a journey of consciousness and self-responsibility from the notion we are all the Creator experiencing our own Creation.  

Listeners accept the premise they are a soul having a human experience and choose to see their lives and the unfolding of the Earth’s events from a higher perspective of non-judgment and non-duality.  

We delve into topics including yoga, healing, natural medicine, the spiritual journey, multi-dimensionality and explore the supernatural from a grounded perspective.

About Carrie-Anne Fields is a psychologist, yoga teacher & spiritual healer.  She is the founder of My Health, established in 1998, a multi-limbed organisation including Yoga & Healing Academies in Australia, Italy & Online, Wellness Centres, Podcast and the My Health Primary School in Cambodia, a charity initiative to protect children in known predator areas. Â