Sacred Journey

~ Brodie's 30 ~

Retreat into yourself, to create Sacred Space to celebrate in sisterhood.

As you come into your wholeness to authentically celebrate and honour the beautiful Radiant Brodie Chenard.

10th ~ 13th of February 2023

Arrive 10am on the 10th ~ Check out 9am on the 13th

Exclusive Beachfront Retreat Space at Clifton Beach

Investment in yourself $700

Join the magic

Full body yes, wouldn't miss it!

Join for the full immersion 3 days 3 nights

Full immersion

Join us for the full 3 days

Investment of



Embodied Movement Practices

Sister Circles

Guided Visualisation and Ritual

Healing Processes

Conscious Celebration Party


Delicious Catered Vegan Food; Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

Information on what to bring and location to come

Claim your place

Coming into your own

Through out this Sacred Journey you are

invited to;

~ Let go

~ Make space for joy and have fun

~ Come home to yourself

~ Feel Empowered and Confident

~ Connect and Express Authentically with Brodies most treasured Women

Day 1 ~ Friday 10th

10:00am ~ Arrive, land in the space

10:30am ~ Opening Ceremony, Setting Intentions


~ Sister Circle

~ Connection 'free' time/ optional Kahuna Massage


~ Pamper night

Day 2 ~ Saturday 11th

~ Silent morning, Beach walk

~ Yoga


~ Sister Circle

~ Sister Connection/ Thai Massage



~ Pool time/ optional Kahuna massage

~ Hula Hooping Embodiment Workshop


~ Connection 'free' time

Day 3 ~ Sunday 12th

~ Yoga


~ Sister Circle and Embodiment workshop


~ Closing Ceremony

~ Conscious Cacao Celebration (Coachella dress up)


Day 4 ~ Monday 13th

~ Gentle Morning

8:00am Breakfast

9:00am ~ Check out

Luxury beach front retreat space

Clifton Beach

Setting the scene

We invite you to embark on the full immersion and we kindly ask that you commit to yourself, Brodie and this Space by showing up wholeheartedly.

This looks and feels like;

Staying within the retreat space for the full weekend (this is a journey together)

Full presence for each workshop

Your presence is the present so please no presents

Sisterhood with love and compassion

Have fun and enjoy yourself

Self responsibility and self awareness

Drug and alcohol free event

Monday gentle morning is optional. If you need to leave Sunday after the celebration, please let us know

Non- refundable

I am committed